The winners of the Sadistique December portrait contest!

The winners of the Sadistique December portrait contest!

And here they are, as promised: these two beautiful people are the winner of the December portrait contest of Sadistique, whose theme was kinkydelia! Come on: ain’t a fetish rabbit with a lollipop psychedelic enough for you?

Just remember: on the 8th of January, the new theme will be Kinky Weimar – get your German-decadent outfits ready!




Sadistique faces – Portraits from December 2016 (part 1)

Sadistique faces – Portraits from December 2016 (part 1)

One of the many changes introduced with the new course of Sadistique was the addition of a photo set where the participants can get their portrait taken by professional photographers. It is the one single location within the club where photos are taken, to ensure everyone’s privacy. For even better security you can only access it on signing a release form, and that’s not all: each picture is approved by its subjects before they leave the set, and sent them within a few days, after which the photographer deletes the original files.

So how come there are photos here? Simple: the event also offers the possibility of signing a second release form authorizing the publication on the official website and on our social networks pages – and entering the contest that awards the best on-topic portrait (the theme changes each month) with two free entry tickets on the following month.
But let’s admit it: the price isn’t the real motivation. The best part is the joy – and the satisfaction – of showing off your marvelous and fascinating side. And a most beautiful one, worth of being preserved in time.

As we wait to discover who the winners of the December edition are, here are a few pictures of some friends who played with us…







Pictures from a (Sadistique) exhibition

Pictures from a (Sadistique) exhibition

Wow. That was the most frequently-heard comment at the December Sadistique event. As expected, the party is slowly but steadily evolving into what we envisioned when we revolutionized it. In the following weeks we are going to update the gallery and more, but in the meantime here’s a peek at the great works exhibited by Guido Cantone – some of which are still on sale on his website.
